Durbanville Kinderhuis

December 2023

I feel extremely blessed to be the Manager of Durbanville Children’s Home. I share my workspace with 57 dedicated staff members who come to work every day believing that we have the sweetest and most beautiful children in the world. 

Taking caring of 144 kids, who have experienced so much trauma and sadness in their lives, but still greet you with a smile every day, is a privilege. 

It is a blessing to work in an environment where you know that you can really make a positive difference.

In this holiday season we are grateful for compassionate individuals and corporates, like you, who have made our year memorable and special. Thank you for your continued support of each child at Durbanville Children’s Home!

My wish for 2024 is that our children will experience a sense of belonging at Durbanville Children’s Home. A vulnerable child is weak and without protection, with the result that they are easily hurt, physically or emotionally. May we be a place of peace and happiness for them!

We joyfully share the glory, the magic and the miracle of this holy season with you all. Have a blessed Christmas and an inspiring New Year.


Wat ‘n seën is dit nie om die Bestuurder van Durbanville Kinderhuis te wees nie! Ek deel my werksruimte met 57 toegewyde personeellede wat werk toe kom en glo dat ons die soetste en mooiste kinders in die wêreld het. Om te beleef dat 144 kinders, wat soveel trauma en hartseer in hul jong lewens ervaar het, maar jou steeds elke dag met ‘n glimlag groet, is inderdaad ‘n voorreg.

Dit is verrykend om te werk in ‘n omgewing waar jy weet dat jy ‘n verskil kan maak.

Hierdie vakansieseisoen is ons dankbaar vir omgee individue en besighede wat deur hulle aanmoediging en bydraes 2023 ‘n spesiale  jaar gemaak het. Dankie vir u volgehoue ​​ondersteuning van elke kind by Durbanville Kinderhuis.

My wens vir 2024 is dat ons kinders ‘n gevoel van behoort by Durbanville Kinderhuis sal ervaar. ’n Kwesbare kind is swak en sonder beskerming, met die gevolg dat hulle maklik fisies of emosioneel seergemaak word. Mag ons vir hulle ‘n plek van vreugde en vrede wees.

‘n Geseënde Kersfees en ‘n inspirerende Nuwejaar vir u en u familie.

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